Enhance your surroundings with a touch of elegance.

Wood Artistry

Metallic Statements for Your Home.

Photo Prints onto Glass

You can transform your precious moments into timeless pieces with our elegantly frameless glass prints.

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Celestial Fusion

Introducing our mesmerizing Zodiac Glass Wall Art Collection – where vibrant hues meet minimal design. Elevate your surroundings with the magic of the cosmos.

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Luxurious Art Pieces

Indulge in a touch of luxury and whimsy with our Amorphed Glass Wall Art. These opulent pieces combine artistic brilliance with a modern twist, elevating your space to a realm of elegance and delight.

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Luxurious Art Pieces

Indulge in a touch of luxury and whimsy with our Amorphed Glass Wall Art. These opulent pieces combine artistic brilliance with a modern twist, elevating your space to a realm of elegance and delight.

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Luxurious Art Pieces

Indulge in a touch of luxury and whimsy with our Amorphed Glass Wall Art. These opulent pieces combine artistic brilliance with a modern twist, elevating your space to a realm of elegance and delight.

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Another stunning piece of art, this is the second glass print I have purchased and I absolutely love it.

Laura H.

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Magnetic Handcrafted Artisanry

A hermetic formula of art, spirit, and craftsmanship with ArtDesigna's proficiency. Surround yourself with nature's serenity in modernist forms.

State-of-the-art woodwork!

Introduce some nature to your home or office with our amazing, hand-made and unique wood art sculptures. Click the button below to discover all our Wood Art collection.

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Discover our exceptional Metal Art Collection, made of 100% premium quality. It is long-lasting yet extravagant and flawless for any modern-inspired home, office, or outdoor space.

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Freshen up your space.

Add a punch of color with our amazing glass art. See the difference for yourself.


